Meet the Team
Calderwood-Mackelprang is a full-service court reporting firm that has been serving the Colorado legal community for over 40 years. Schedule your legal proceeding with us and watch us exceed your expectations!

Jana and Dawn
After completing their court reporting education in Southern California (at different locations), Dawn Calderwood (Eastman) and Jana Mackelprang found their paths crossed when they worked for a court reporting firm in Boulder, Colorado. After forming their business, they moved lock, stock, and barrel to Denver to pursue the many opportunities that the Mile High City has to offer.
Calderwood-Mackelprang’s loyal clients have provided them with many interesting and educational experiences over their 40-year history, traveling around Colorado and to most of the states, in addition to Bermuda and Tortola. Back in the day, on a multiparty insurance case, they were responsible for bringing approximately 400 pounds of exhibits from deposition to deposition; and they also provided realtime to all the participants involved in the depositions.

Casey Vercler
Prior to joining Calderwood-Mackelprang, Casey was a Tech 3 with Comcast. This experience increased Casey’s IT and customer service skills.
As Calderwood-Mackelprang’s business manager, an essential part of Casey’s workday is delivering prompt and outstanding customer service. He is responsible for all office duties, and he uses his organizational skills to ensure smooth operations in a busy work environment.
Casey enjoys working for Calderwood-Mackelprang, as it is such a unique company where he is able to establish a rapport with various support staff. Casey acknowledges that the number of repeat clients and referrals that Calderwood-Mackelprang enjoys speaks volumes about the loyalty and trust the firm has earned since the 1980s.